CFA study materials are always found in libraries, but you can also see the material online. Thanks to technology, you can now study at home and wait for the exam. As said by many, CFA level 1 is not an easy exam. You will have to dig deeper to get the best results.
Last year, the pass rate was 43%, so this tells you how the exam can be difficult. I am not trying to discourage you but am giving you hope. This type of exam is just like any other exam. What you need to do is to read and revise the entire topic and have answers at your fingertips.
It is also important that you get to know that all these topics are covered in the exam. Don’t assume that since the previous exams had certain questions, they won’t repeat. Many students have been neglecting some topics thinking that they can’t be repeated, but to their amazement, they find the same questions repeated in their actual exam.
CFA Study Material
As a serious student, you need to practice, practice, and practice. Reading each topic and also going through the various mock exams. There are a lot of mock exams that you can choose from. By going through at least 5 mock exams you will be sure of getting similar questions in the exams.
There are also other study materials that you can use. Also, visiting the library and going through different topics is ideal. If you are not near a library, you can go online and get the best books for your studies. There are a lot of books to use online and finding them is not a difficult thing.
Don’t underestimate the exams
Many students like to think that the exam will be elementary. If you have not gone through CFA study materials, you can have a difficult task. It is for your own good to go through the handouts and also to study different books to avoid failure. Don’t look at a topic and say “I already know this.” That can be a big mistake. For those who don’t even know where to start, you can go online, and you will be educated on the various tips to passing the CFA level 1 exam.
Lastly, manage your time wisely. Many students waste time studying only one material. It is good to calculate the time you spend studying each topic. Don’t specialize in just one topic because it won’t help you much. Have many study materials that will help you cover all the topics. There are a lot of topics in the CFA level 1 exam, so it’s good to know the weighting of every subject. As a bright student, always know that having all the required materials will make you pass the exam.
Clearing the CFA level 1 exam
Mentioning that you’re a level 2 – 3 candidate is a big plus in your resume. Clearing the CFA level 1 has value and, thus, students must not at all be deterred from mentioning it in their resume. Even though some candidates choose not to finish the CFA program, they will still mention having passed level 1 on their resume.